Recipes and Cooking

Making Mushroom Birria Tacos

Making Mushroom Birria Tacos

Mushroom Birria Tacos - further exploring the culinary application of the King Oyster with Jackson Swanson of the Cooks' House of Traverse City, MI.

Making Mushroom Birria Tacos

Mushroom Birria Tacos - further exploring the culinary application of the King Oyster with Jackson Swanson of the Cooks' House of Traverse City, MI.

Mushroom Toast with Cooks' House

Mushroom Toast with Cooks' House

Enjoy this simple yet delectable dish in a matter of minutes. Follow along with us and Jackson Swanson of the Cooks' House in Traverse city. Pardon our French. Full Recipe...

Mushroom Toast with Cooks' House

Enjoy this simple yet delectable dish in a matter of minutes. Follow along with us and Jackson Swanson of the Cooks' House in Traverse city. Pardon our French. Full Recipe...